Sophie Blanchard’s

High Flying RockN’Roll Extravaganza

 Sophie Blanchard’s High-Flying Rock’n’Roll Extravaganza is a historical rock concert about the daredevil life and pyrotechnic death (spoilers) of the first professional female air balloonist, performed by an all female and gender-non-conforming rock band!

Written by Lizzie Hagstedt
Directed by Celine Rosenthal
Music directed by Fernanda Douglas
Executive produced by Moxie Arts NY

Cast to be announced soon!

Moxie Arts NY is a Lilly Award-winning nonprofit theatre company founded in 2017 dedicated to engaging audiences with stories centering women, created by artists of historically excluded genders (including women, trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming artists). Our programming provides opportunities for artists at all stages of career development, building community from the page to the stage, and everywhere in between. Moxie Arts NY is led by Managing Producer Madelyn Paquette and Creative Producer Kayla Hernandez-Friend.

Sophie Blanchard’s High-Flying Rock’n’Roll Extravaganza was developed as part of the 2024 Moxie Incubator, Moxie Arts NY’s flagship new works development program which moves new plays and musicals through a three-step development process over the course of nine months each year. Learn more on our website